
The Vision

I've asked myself this question a lot: given complete freedom, how would i spend my time?  How would I fill my time if there were no bills to pay, errands to run, student loans to dread or the necessary "work" it takes to take care of those "necessities?"
   What would I do if I were truly free?

   I'd grow food. And eat it... and tinker & toy with the numerous projects that entails.

   There have always been hurdles barring the path to such freedom.  And like most humans, I'm prone to use hurdles as excuses.  But I'm ready to jump, wanna jump with me?

I'm not going to wait until we own land.
I'm not going to wait until there's enough start-up capital.
I'm not going to wait until someday in the future, because if I do I'll find myself hoping to retire into the life I wanted when I was young.
I'm not even going to wait until I'm out of the suburbs.
I'm ready to grow, wanna grow with me?

I want Backyard Beddie's to foster a network of local folks growing food in their yards, on their patios, in their kitchens.  I need us to come together, so we can show each other that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.  I believe a coordinated network of avid micro-growers can produce enough food to provide for their community and earn a living.

I'm ready to plant, wanna plant with me?

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